
What came first Design (Gene – DNA – Chromosomes) or Building Material (Protein) :- Architecture Paradox

Below is the Reply to a Question what came first DNA or Protein? One seem not to exist without the other. This a paradox.

System is combination of questions (problem domain) and answers (solution domain) – why, how, what, when, where. Also, it alludes to transformation – lets say driven by entropy. So, system dynamics.

A. DNA precedes Protein – possible

B. Relation between Gene, DNA, Chromosome and what it does to Protein

C. Paradox of DNA vs Protein – leads into Intelligent Design Discussion

D. Method to bring our mind to study them and arrive at more hypothesis, postulates or just appreciate the grandeur we live in.

A. Paper presented at NIH – discusses the possibility of DNA preceding protein.

DNA before proteins? Recent discoveries in nucleic acid catalysis strengthen the case.

B. Think Architecture Talk Language. I think we are struggling to represent complex concept structurally – typical architecture problem discussed with constraints of linearity in language.

a. Instruction Set
Chromosome is a molecule containing DNA cell
DNA cell is made up of gene segment
gene has basic unit code or stroke on piano
chromosome describes the script or note on piano = set of strokes
{Chromosome [(DNA(GENE)]} = information = coded tune for set of functions to emerge
I think chromosomes also knows how to orchestrate the choreography that finally realizes the living organism.

b. Construction Material
Protein is the building block. It gets instruction from set of chromosomes and it builds creating complex forms from simple building blocks. Complex forms are uniquely created with different functional capability.

More complex living organism, more complex sets of chromosomes. Simpler organisms have smaller number of sets of chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs, that is 46 chromosomes

DNA, Chromosomes and Gene

Discussion on DNA – Protein

C. Paradox of DNA vs Protein leading into discussion about Intelligent Design discussed below

Which came first: DNA or Protein?

D. My own spin – studying Implicate Order and System Dynamics; proposed by David Bohm

Design (DNA) was created either by a designer or by an “emergence process – emergent architecture”. Also, it could be affected by both causality or acausality.

Chromosomes (DNA) is the implicate order – by generative process it creates the explicate order (everything external) in rich diversity. It is such an architecture, where the ontology of which has containment of the process of creation (notes, tunes, choreography and orchestration)

Complex subjects or ideas needs to be investigated employing integrative tools. To understand the how vs what paradox, we have applied ideas from what we have understood of the world from following disciplines – biology, chemistry, physics and economics + maths. It is the fight for resource (economics), which brings in modes of life form emergence from its simpler forms to complex forms. The fight for resource is both inter and intra. Fiscal Cliff is the fight amongst ourselves. Rich and Poor’ who should own the resource and who should benefit. It is fight for control and eventually our life.

Implicate order, studied within the notion of system driven by entropy discusses energy and need for achieving stability via entropic journey creating order and chaos. This creates various social structures with varying stresses. Order and Chaos are English words to describe the state of entropy as it dynamically exists in a continuum – System Dynamics. This is very well discussed in the video below.

Very beautiful video to see if a different perspective on thermodynamics helps our understanding of complexity and even more of life itself.

password “montana”

The unique form that living organism takes; probably could be described combining macro & micro physics (quantum dynamics) and chemistry. Applying Pauli’s Exclusion Principle – different energy pattern affect composition, so we have a periodic table.